Wake to a glorious sunny day and fresh powder.
Lazy morning followed by a trip to bank and the Christian centre. Then in the afternoon I’m off to the Basin Rec to play my first game of pickleball. Played terribly, slapped so many out of bounds. Must be the altitude. I really must stop hitting them so hard.
Evening is watching TV. Set up to get UK TV via our Apple TV.

View from our condo.
Monday – PM Pickleball.
Tuesday – AM snowshoe, PM gun club.
Wednesday – PM Pickleball.
Thursday – AM snowshoe.
Friday – PM Pickleball.
Saturday – AM snowshoe or walk with Wendy.
Sunday – AM Gym, PM snowshoe or walk with Wendy.
Wendy’s schedule
Wednesday – Christian centre all day.
Friday – PM Christian centre.

Sunny again but oh so cold. Lazy morning and then I go for a pickleball lesson.
In the evening we go round to Laurrie and Mike’s for dinner. We were supposed to be going to Samies for dinner but surprise, surprise Laurrie’s prepared White Castles, what treat. So good to see them again and catch up. We laighed so much our sides ached. An awesome evening.

After another lazy start I set off to try out my new snowshoes. Just 3 miles but in soft snow it’s quite a good workout, sunny but oh so cold – minus 8C. I always thought skiing was a great calorie burner but it turns out that:
Calories burnt per hour
Ski. 532
Snowshoe. 710
Pickleball. 600
Walking 211
Hiking 430
The afternoon is more pickleball, but after my snowshoe workout, I settle for just an hour.
In the evening we meet up with Carol and Angela for dinner at the Windy Ridge Cafe as Hal is in agony with sciatica. Then it’s back home for more wine and TV.
I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my bucket list. Well at least in my case everywhere civilised is.

Yet more sunshine.
Lazy morning then I go to the gunclub, sign up for a month and have 100 rounds of 9mm out of my favourite weapon, the Wilson Combat.
Then it’s back home for a 3 mile walk with Wendy and of course a trip to a supermarket.
In the evening we try our luck with the UK citizenship test. I pass, Wendy fails. The questions are so perverse. Then we try the USA and Australian tests and pass both. The Australian one is more a common-sense test. Says so much about the crazy UK test.
Decided on our winter holiday for next year. As we want a long term stay we have to plan well ahead before places get booked up. Yes, we’re coming back to PC for 79 dyas – huraah. Negotiated a good deal with our current landlady for this place. So much cheaper than the majority of similar places. It’s nice, well equiped, comfortable and a good location – although we miss all our Racquet club friends.