You do have to wonder about literacy rates in this country. What do they think loitering means?
Get an urgent call from our hosts warning us about the coyotes that roam around here, apparently there’s a few congregate across the road from us. Seems like it’s a well known problem in Venice. Advised not to wander the streets at night, like we did last night. Given this countries love of guns I’m gob smacked that they’ve not all been massacred.

Lookout, lookout there’s coyotes about.
Our new home is very well equipped and a home from home but like most American homes it doesn’t have a kettle. Boil water in a pan and try to pour it into a cup or coffee filter without scalding yourself. Decide on a cheap electric kettle from Walmart. Get it home and the on off button doesn’t work properly. Never mind some string holds it down, stuff them we’ll take it back at the end of our stay.
The key to happiness from PragerU:
Muslim woman stand up comedian:

Mind you I wander about common sense in London.
“Under this Government, three million more people are in work and the rich have paid more in tax in every year of this government than they did in any of the 13 years of Labour.
“Corbyn talks a good game but under his leadership Labour blocked our measures to crack down on £8.6 billion of tax avoidance. And Labour have admitted they are planning for a run of the pound. Once again working people would pay the price.”
Why is it that the conservatives are so reluctant to sell themselves better, especially on the economy. They should be hammering home the economic realities of living beyond our means and the facts about lower taxes. On corporation tax they should be able to spell out the realities and wipe the smug smiles off those angry communist molecules swilling around in the Westminster swamp.
Yes, the current batch of conservative bed wetters have their problems and are far from ideal, but the alternative are a bunch of communist with their La La land fantasies, and will sink this country faster than a gold ingot in a swamp.

Venice beach.
Then we drive down to Armends Circle, a posh up market area of Sarasota. Even the 3G wifi’s better down there. Stroll around the shops and a Starbucks at the circle with some people watching.
Then I get my treat as we head off to the Apple store at the UTC Mall. Wow this Mall is awesome – see pictures. The whole shopping area is impressive. I buy a pair of AirPods, the ultimate nerds gizmo. Expensive but impressive, my Christmas present from Wendy – now we’re both sorted for Christmas. My only concern is will one drop out and me not notice. Apparently all the reviews say they’re pretty good if you’ve got the right shaped ear. If not I suppose we could always resort to superglue.

Just like Blackburn Mall!
Back to Venice and we’re going out for dinner a real treat for us poor retired folk. Go to Sharky’s at Venice pier, nice location and great for the sunset. Pity about the food. Everything just battered to death and greasy as a Brylcream butty. Disappointing. Mind you we’re not really into eating out. Have a few awesome Dark and Stormies when we get home.

Childrens play area in the UTC Mall. Can you imagine this in Blackburn, it’d be wrecked.
Even though the threat that Islam represents is blatantly obvious once you learn how to think clearly, members of the religion of Political Correctness are unable to process the necessary information in order to be able to realise that this is the case. Many of them are even convinced that those who worry about Islamisation, are just “racists” and “bigots”.

Wendy and iPad.
Western Civilisation is under threat. We are currently fighting two battles at the same time. We are not only under attack by Islam, but we are also fighting against the religion of Political Correctness. This works as follows: Islam is a deadly threat and Political Correctness is the paralytic that prevents us from responding adequately to this threat.
Members of the religion of Political Correctness view the world in a certain way. Their worldview is based on dogma rather than rational arguments. For them, finally realising that Islam represents one of the biggest threat to Western Civilisation of the 21st century, would require them to completely change their worldview. This is often a difficult process.

Try out our golf cart. New toy.
Set off to the Oscar Scherer State Park. Supposed to have some good bird life. All very pleasant and we have a nice stroll – I manage to get my +30 minutes exercise in on my Apple watch much to Wendy’s intense annoyance – she can’t believe it, “how come you get it and I don’t”.
Have lunch overlooking the lake but alas no gators. Only see one bird, an Osprey.
No really that much there.
Call in at Publix’s and then it’s afternoon tea in the rocking chairs on the porch.

Venice Beach.
Q: Did you hear about the Muslim party? A: It was a blast.
Q. What can the Palestinians do to raise the average IQ in the West Bank? A. Allow Jews to come in.
Q: What do you call a bad Muslim eye doctor? A: Asif Eyecare
Q: What did the suicide bombers mom say? A: “My Allah! They blow up so fast…”
Q: What do you call a half Irish half Muslim husband? A: O’Pressive.
Q: Why don’t they teach Driver’s Ed and sex education on the same day in the Middle East? A: They don’t want to wear out the camel.

Off Kayaking.
Then we call in at the biggest liquor store we’ve ever seen – Total Wine. Although they’re not that cheap. Buy a miniature Woodford Reserve to try, last of the big spenders. Then Wendy explores Sprouts – it’s a Wholefoods lookalike store.
Meet up with Dennis and Nancy – past home exchangers from Sarasota. Have a great afternoon catching up with them and putting the World to rights. It’s amazing how similar our views are and hate political correctness.
Bye the way Woodford Reserve is very nice, think I’ll invest in that for home.

Kayaking around Siesta Key.
It is hard to image more bestial behaviour as the terrorists, parading Islamic State black flags, chanted Allahu akbar to celebrate the killing of more than 300 people. The victims were mostly Sufi Muslims. Christians have been targeted several times. The armed forces have been attacked, as well as government agencies. The real motive, after defeat in the field, is a rallying cry to show they are still a force.

Clean up team member.
Q: What do you call a Muslim taking a bath? A: Ali Lujah!
Q: What do you call a Muslim woman with an opinion? A: Anything you want she’s already been stoned to death.
Q: What does a Fat Muslim radical yell? A: Allahu Snack Bar.
Q: Why aren’t there any Walmarts in Afghanistan? A: Because there is a target on every corner.
Q: What do you call an unemployed Muslim? A: Bin Laidoff.

Sneaky is best. Please don’t smile at me.
The shadow chancellor was mocked after he said that “that’s why we have iPads and that’s why we have advisers” when pressed to supply some detail about how Labour would deal with national debt.
Yesterday he had been unable to put a figure on the current cost of servicing it when quizzed in a post-budget interview. He also elicited a backlash after accusing BBC Radio 4 Today programme presenter Mishal Husain of “a trite form of journalism” when she pressed him for specificity around Labour’s plans.
The cost of borrowing more to invest would “pay for itself” in extra tax revenue and job creation, he insisted.
He has said he wants to borrow an additional £250 billion over 10 years to fund national infrastructure. Day-to-day spending on public services would meanwhile increase £17 billion a year under Labour’s plans, paid for by tax hikes for wealthy individuals and business.
What planet does labour live on. Our National debt is one of the highest in the Western World at over 80% of GDP. Do these buffoons not realise it cannot go on like this. We’re living beyond our means.

View from shaky tower above the canopy in Mayakka State Park.

Oh well that’s the only feed at night theory gone for a turtle soup.
Off down to Myakka State Park, one of the biggest State Parks in the USA. Have our extravagant picnic and then wander around to see the wildlife. Plenty of birds, including a bald eagle, sandhill cranes, and even Gators around, but you don’t have to worry they mainly feed at night and have only one ginormous meal a week and then spend the rest of the week digesting it. Explore the nature trail and climb the canopy tower for awesome views. Boy does it sway around.
Call in at publix for a fish medley for tea – prawns, tuna, sushi and lobster tails. Very nice, although my lobster tail seems to have shrunk to the size of a anorexic shrimp. A couple of Dark and Stormies to wash it down with.

Bridge walk.
The findings also revealed that 39 per cent of Muslims thought that their wives should always obey their husbands and 31 per cent thought it was acceptable to have more than one wife.
A shocking five per cent of Muslims sympathised with people who took part in stoning adulterers.
Now tell me we don’t have a problem with Islam.

Off on our bike ride.
Take a tour around the island on the Venetian Waterway Park, along the Inland waterway and then the sea front. About 12 miles around the island. Most of it on a dedicated cycle path. Stop for our luxury picnic about half way round – Wendy’s bums numb. Then we stop at the fishing pier for a drink at Sharky’s. Wendy gets to sample 5 different daiquiri’s – free – how neat is that. End’s up having the pina colada. I commit a sin by drinking before 17:00. New philosophy, I’m going to try white wines when I’m out, a good way of getting to know whites without having to commit to a full bottle. First one’s a Chardonay. Have to admit I quite like it. Sheer luxury having a drink, in the sun by the sea, thinking about how cold and miserable it is back home.
A great ride in awesome weather. How lucky can you be.
Then it’s back hone for afternoon tea in rocking chairs on the porch. Kindle time and watching the World go by.

Q: How did you get out of Iraq? A: Iran
Q: What do you call a Muslim on a toilet? A: Islamic Relief.
Q: What is the most popular kids show in the Middle East? A: Dora the Exploder!
Q: What did the Muslim train conductor say? A: Allah board.
Q: “What do you call a Muslim shrink? A: A terrorpist.”
Q: What do you call a Muslim stripper? A: youseen memuff

It’s my shrimp and I’m not sharing it.
The PC, bed wetting, muslim apologists would have us believe that the religion of pieces and intolerance believes in equality for women. Read the quran and you get to the truth of this pernicious ideology.
Judge for yourself:
Quran (4:11) – (Inheritance) “The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females” (see also verse 4:176). In Islam, sexism is mathematically established.
Quran (2:282) – (Court testimony) “And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not found then a man and two women.” Muslim apologists offer creative explanations to explain why Allah felt that a man’s testimony in court should be valued twice as highly as a woman’s, but studies consistently show that women are actually less likely to tell lies than men, meaning that they make more reliable witnesses.
Quran (2:228) – “and the men are a degree above them [women]”

The Germans have their towels out ready for tomorrow nights parade.
Quran (24:31) – Women are to lower their gaze around men, so they do not look them in the eye. (To be fair, men are told to do the same thing in the prior verse).
Quran (2:223) – “Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will…” A man has dominion over his wives’ bodies as he does his land. This verse is overtly sexual. There is some dispute as to whether it is referring to the practice of anal intercourse. If this is what Muhammad meant, then it would appear to contradict what he said in Muslim (8:3365).
Quran (4:3) – (Wife-to-husband ratio) “Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four” Inequality by numbers.

Venice pier
Quran (4:24) and Quran (33:50) – A man is permitted to take women as sex slaves outside of marriage. Note that the verse distinguishes wives from captives (those whom they right hand possesses).
Quran (4:34) – Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great.

Daiquiri sampling – free.
A traditional Islamic saying is that, “A woman’s heaven is beneath her husband’s feet.” One of the world’s most respected Quran commentaries explains that, “Women are like cows, horses, and camels, for all are ridden.” (Tafsir al-Qurtubi)
The revered Islamic scholar, al-Ghazali, who has been called ‘the greatest Muslim after Muhammad,’ writes that the role of a Muslim woman is to “stay at home and get on with her sewing. She should not go out often, she must not be well-informed, nor must she be communicative with her neighbors and only visit them when absolutely necessary; she should take care of her husband… and seek to satisfy him in everything… Her sole worry should be her virtue… She should be clean and ready to satisfy her husband’s sexual needs at any moment.” [Ibn Warraq]

What we should have seen at the boat parade.
1st there’s the singularity. That moment in time when artificial intelligence surpass mans intelligence.
2nd we have the threat from Islam and their goal of the Caliphate and a World dominated by their 6th century barbaric ideology.
3rd there’s climate change.
Elon Musks views on AI are interesting. While he works to advance the field of artificial intelligence, he also believes there is an astronomically high likelihood that AI will pose a threat to humanity in the future. In an interview with Rolling Stone, the tech luminary claimed we have only a five to 10 percent chance of success at making AI safe.
The upcoming paradigm shift is not just a technological revolution. It’s an evolutional revolution. It’s the biggest shift in human evolution since the dawn of time that will change who we are as a species for good.

And all that we actually saw at the boat parade.
Guy comes by to collect our bikes. We ask him to deliver us some on Tuesday. A real nice guy, who apparently loves the English, didn’t mention the Welsh or the jocks, he tells us to keep them until Tuesday all for $20. Now thats a great deal.
Go to the boat parade on our bikes. It’s supposed to start by 18:00, so we have an early tea. By 19:15, still no sign of it, we’ve lost the will to live and vote with our feet. What a pity everyone didn’t do that. Teach them a lesson.
Back home for some more Game Of Thrones and a bottle of wine. I really must stop drinking a full bottle and limit myself to just half.
Pat Condell welcomes Muslim migrants. – A Must Watch