Music festival, sort of.
It’s free music but food is greasy and expensive, although the paella looks enticing. We pass and just listen to the music and drink our water. My god it’s hot.

Sunset from Venice pier.
Evenings just more Game of Thrones and Veep.
Kayaking on a sunny day, watching nature in all it’s glory. Perfect way to spend the day.

Supermoon over Venice.
Definition of the word twatter:
Person or persons who fucks up society and life big style, responsible for all that is bad in this crazy world, with one or more of their politically correct, multi-cultural, bed wetting, do gooder, dhimi, tree hugging, veggie, left wing, liberal beliefs. Can be a snowflake; a typical bed wetter; a futtocking arse-mungel; an islamic appeasement monkey; or even a jerkpuffin and almost certainly has a self righteous twitter account, that is more prolific than an over active thyroid gland, and to top it all off is almost certainly a rabid REMOANER.

Miniature circus. Sadly all thats left these days.
Then we have our exotic picnic by Sarasota bay. The gardens and grounds here are quite stunning. Oh how the rich lived.
Visit the art museum, much to Wendy’s disgust. I have to say the majority of the paintings in there are depressing. I wouldn’t even use them to wrap my chips in. There are some good photographic displays. One is particularly good on America and the War in the middle east.

Human cannonball.

One in the eye for the twatters and especially those bed wetters at Starbucks.
The child in me just couldn’t resist. Yes, it works.

Gruesome art.

Is this modern art?

Nine Important Facts to Remember as We Grow Older

The circus comes to town.
#8 Life is sexually transmitted.
#7 Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
#6 Men have 2 motivations: hunger and hanky panky, and they can’t tell them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich.
#5 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks, months, maybe years.

Two’s better than one, especially with a shot of extra rum.
#3 All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
#2 In the 60’s, people took LSD to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal.
#1 Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers. What you do today may be a burning issuetomorrow.
Please share this wisdom with others while I go to the bathroom.
Boycott Halal food and restaurants:

Wendy on our bike ride.

Siesta Key beach.
Hot and sunny as I contemplate that 48 hours from now we’ll be back in the frozen wastelands.
In the afternoon we have a stroll into town to maraud around the few shops there is. Wendy passes on a happy hour Daiquiri.
For my last supper here in Venice I get a real treat. It’s a dipped Chicago beef sandwich here at America’s equivalent of the greasy spoon cafe on steroids. Proper gourmet food, a cholesterol special. But never let it be said that I’m not into healthy eating as I only have it single dipped into mouth watering gravy, rather than the true epicureans double dipped.
The red neck bearded, toothless clientele of this place, look like they just escaped from the civil war in Georgia, seem delightful as they swill down pinkie water from heavy frozen fighting jars. I was tempted to open a discussion on the nats urine they serve over here labelled as beer, but prefer my front and back teeth the way they are.

More of our culture and history sacrificed at the twatters alter
My grandkids will probably never experience the magic and thrill of the circus, seeing exotic animals and marvelling at feats of doing and dare and the colourful entertainment. Going to see the animals before the performance. Or in the case of our youngest son hiding behind the chair when the tigers came out. It’s part of our heritage.
How bloody cruel do they think life in the wild is for animals? How cruel do they think it is to eats meat? If you want to see gratuitous cruelty then go and watch a bull fight, still allowed in the EU. What about all the money the circuses invest in wild life and animal welfare, where is that money going to come from.
Yes, I agree that animal welfare in circuses should be strictly monitored and enforced but closing these down is just another example of how the twatters are screwing with our history and culture.
A sad day for America.
Halal meats – the facts. Forget it’s from the EDL, ask yourself is it factual?

Hitch hiker.

Chicago Beef Sandwich, single dipped.
Apart from having to wait for the Virgin checkin to open, we’re TSA pre-checked and so it’s a pretty smooth process. Amazing, Virgin customer service score again. No indication what time check-in opens. There are staff there but can they be bothered serving. Keep everyone waiting without as much as a nod or bye your leave. Then suddenly there’s about 12 agents with nothing much to do. Does it never occur to them they could put a couple of staff on early and then add more later, plus little sign indicating what time check-in opens – wouldn’t stretch the budgets or common sense too far. Mind you the signs over the check-in desk said Emirates, that’ll confuse the punters and have them wandering around the airport looking for Virgin. Customer service as crap as ever.

Tony’s Chicago Beef emporium.
Land in Manchester about an hour late. Then it’s a cock up with the luggage as the cargo bay doors are frozen. I don’t believe it. Obviously Manchester being in the tropics this sort of thing never normally occurs.
Arrive home to snow in Belthorn.

Goodbye Venice.
The shadow chancellor was mocked after he said that “that’s why we have iPads and that’s why we have advisers” when pressed to supply some detail about how Labour would deal with national debt.

Perhaps we can’t escape the island!
He also elicited a backlash after accusing BBC Radio 4 Today programme presenter Mishal Husain of “a trite form of journalism” when she pressed him for specificity around Labour’s plans.
The cost of borrowing more to invest would “pay for itself” in extra tax revenue and job creation, he insisted.
Pat Condell nails it with “Nothing To Do With Islam”: