Our 4 bedroom VRBO home in Davenport – awesome.
Then Wendy notices her new toy is no longer showing the time when she raises her wrist. Check all the settings, but alas it’s still kaput. Oh well better pop down to the Mall and return it whilst we’re up here. 9 miles later we’re back at the Apple store. A very relaxed and laid back Apple guy tries, checks the settings and it still doesn’t work. He’s just about to replace the watch as faulty when he remembers Theatre Mode, which turns off the screen on wrist rise. Yes, sure enough Wendy must have caught the setting for this. Take it out of Theatre Mode and all is ok.

One of two lounges.
The evening’s spent with a few “Dark and Stormies” and more sex and nudity scenes from the Game of Thrones.

Master bedroom.

I know we have problems with the existing clowns in office, but come on this is the guy who could be Prime Minister:

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn is being mocked on social media after appearing to suggest during the budget debate there should be a “credit card cap” to prevent people paying back more than they borrow, which would mean INTEREST-FREE lending.
Mr Corbyn discussed the “credit card cap” as he laid into the Tories over the Universal Credit benefits system and slammed credit card firms for raising people’s borrowing limits.
He said Labour if in power would “bring in a cap on credit cards so no one pays back more than they borrow.”
I don’t believe it. Well sadly I do.

Wekiva springs.
I thought so, we’ve been here before, back in 2010. It’s all very picturesque and the water is tempting for a swim – 72F apparently – but I give it a miss. Don’t see any gators in there. After lunch we go for a walk but it’s so boring and lifeless we head back after a mile. At last the Circle B Bar is teaming with life.
For a bit of variety we avoid the toll road on the way back and spot the Oakland Nature Reserve. Looks interesting so perhaps we’ll save that for another day.
If, as all these dhimi Muslim apologist claim, Jihad means inner struggle then how come the Quran (4:95) exempts the disabled and elderly from Jihad?
In Arabic “jihad” means struggle. In Islam it means holy war.

What a site just before you’re about to eat your lunch. Enough to put you off food and sex for life.
Some examples, of the many, from the quran:
Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you:
give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers:
smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” [Q. 8:12]
Slay the polytheists wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in ambush for them everywhere. But if they repent and perform the prayer and pay the zakat, then set them free. God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate. [Q. 9:5]

Ideal place for Wendy’s swimming lesson!
I shall continue to fight the unbelievers until they say: “There is no god but God,” if they make this pronouncement they shall be secured in their blood and property, unless taken for its price, and their reward shall be given by God.
Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not
Just say merry Christmas and it’s just tough if they’re offended:
Mind you how anyone can be offended by being wished something merry just beggers believe

One of two dining areas.
I have a plan. We drive down to Celebration; order one of those awesome looking stromboli’s; go for a power walk around the lake – gets the Exercise level up on our watches; have a leisurely starbucks sat in the rocking chairs, watching the lake go by; pick up my Stromboli; and go home. What an exciting life we lead.
The Stromboli is massive, packed with meat, pepperoni and cheese, with a great crust. Awesome. It’s an alcohol free night. Watch Game Of Thrones, can you believe there’s a whole episode with no nudity and sex. What is the World coming to, perhaps it’s time to give it up. We’ll soldier on and said we’ll endure the first season before making a final decision. Have to say it’s very good overall and you soon manage to put the crappy dungeons and dragons aspect of it behind you.

Ready for a spot of hanky panky.
Because gopher tortoises share their burrows with more than 350 other species they are referred to as a keystone species. The presence of gopher tortoises indicates whether a habitat is suitable not only for tortoises but other species, as well. Some of the species known to share their burrows include the Florida mouse, burrowing owl, gopher frog, and eastern indigo snake. As the primary burrow-builder in its ecosystem, the gopher tortoise is very important to maintaining the structure, composition and populations within an ecological community. Similar to the role of a keystone in an arch, an ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if a keystone species is removed. Conversely, an increase in the number of tortoises is evidence of sufficient food and shelter for reproduction, and when the tortoises are thriving, so are many other species.

Emu at Oakland Nature preserve.
Call in at Public’s for some Turkey for our Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow. We’re not bothering going out for dinner as usual, all the Disney places are booked up and the Marriotts – who usually do a great buffet – are just too far away. Plus we’re getting tight in our old age and somewhat begrudge $150 on an all you can eat buffet that only encourages you to eat more than you need – bloody hell if we carry on like this we’ll end up as some tree hugging, liberal, PC, Bed Wetter.
In the evening it’s more Game Of Thrones. We’ve survived season 1 and really enjoyed it – the sex scenes certainly help, but the intrigue and plotting makes for a great story line – so will be watching the rest of it.

Portable speed hump.
Sweden is being overtaken by Islamic no-go zones. Moderate Party politician Mikael Cederbratt declared:
“It is absolutely necessary to do something, because these gangs are like cancerous tumours in our country, and it is urgent. My absolute belief is that we, the nation of Sweden, must declare war on criminal gangs.
Jihad Watch reported in June that authorities in Sweden have also admitted that large areas in the country are under Islamic rule and that 150,000 women there undergo FGM.
Sweden is reportedly on the verge of civil war due to its migrant crisis. Its National Police Commissioner, Dan Eliasson, spoke on national television and pleaded for assistance back in June, when he warned that Swedish police (80 percent of which want to quit their jobs) no longer could keep order. He pleaded for help from the military and from any “good force” that could help. Eliasson exclaimed: “Help us, help us!”

2nd lounge
Ofsted has compiled a file of the worst examples of discrimination and sexism its inspectors encountered. The material includes excerpts from library books and children’s marked work which sanction domestic violence.
Among the worst examples was a book discovered in a school library entitled, “Women who deserve to go to hell” which said that it was wrong for wives to show “ingratitude to their husband” or “have tall ambitions”.
Ofsted said the material it collected was out of step with mainstream Muslim thinking and came from maintained schools as well as independent faith schools and unregistered schools.
Sadly what they don’t seem to appreciate is that this is not out of step with muslim thinking – go read the quran.

Our Thanksgiving dinner, complete with Pecan pie for afters.
Lazy morning and then we set off to the Polynesian resort resort for a walk around the Disney World lagoon. The walk from the Polynesian to the Floridian is reckoned to be very picturesque. We’re told it’s a 37 minutes walk – very precise. Turns out more like 12 minutes, but there again Americans don’t walk a lot. We then enquire about walking to the Magic Kingdom. Alas we’re told we’ll get eaten by fast racing gators. There’s a nice path most of the way but we’d probably have to swim across a gator infested canal.

One of the themed kids bedrooms.
In the evening we have our turkey dinner and an expensive bottle of Lahor Merlot from Paso Robles – one of my favourites, yes all of $12, exceeds my $10 limit. Dam me no, Wendy likes this wine and has a glass. This is not conducive to marital harmony, have to get back to the cheaper wines, which she usually turns her nose up at.
Letter from the PC Bed Wetters to local schools:
Dear Headmaster,

2nd dining room.
Sleeping Beauty
As discussed, there are consent issues over a prince kissing a sleeping princess. Moreover, as she has slept for 100 years, there are concerns that this is not an age-appropriate relationship.
Snow White
Where to start? Nobody wants to push an alt-right narrative in a multi-ethnic school environment. Additionally, quite apart from the clear themes of paternalist ableism, this story has a pro-huntsman narrative that our vegan pupils would be justified in considering a microaggression.
Hansel and Gretel
Littering. Also, the pushing of witches into ovens alarms the mother of Tabitha (4B), who can see auras. We also have safety concerns about the notion of an edible gingerbread cottage, particularly since asbestos was discovered in the gym block.

2nd master bedroom.
Peter Pan
Apart from the obvious danger of kids attempting to fly and going off with strangers there’s the discrimination against the disabled with hookism to say nothing of the exploitation of threatened gator species.
Yours faithfully,
The Parent Council
In case you were wondering the wife beating rules according to Islam:

This is what Black Fridays all about.
We decide to have a lazy day hunkered down whilst we pack. Avoid the chaos out there.
Joy of joys, it appears that the Apple store in Tampa has some iPhone X for store pickup and it just so happens we’re driving past Tampa for tomorrow morning. As my Mother would have said “you were meant to have it” – I don’t think she ever realised she was a dedicated Stoic. Order it for a 08:30 pickup today, knowing full well it will be tomorrow, but “computer doesn’t allow that…”. Actually turns out that the store will keep it for 21 days – unbelievable. With the excitement will I be able to sleep tonight?

Red shouldered hawk.
Q: What do you call a hot Muslim girl? A: G-hottie!
Q: Why do Muslim extremists pray with their asses up in the air? A: They want to make it easier for Western troops to kick!
Q: What do you get if you cross Islam and Capitalism? A: No more jokes about the profit.
Ramadan, putting the slim, back into Muslim.
My friend once went to a strip club in Abu Dhabi and got thrown out after saying: “Show us your face”.
I try not to tell religious jokes to Muslims any more: half of them are crazy, and the ones with Uzis simply don’t get the joke.
5 Reasons You Should Be AFRAID Of The EU

Christmas parade in Venice.
Then it’s onwards down to Venice, that’s the one in Florida, in case anyones confused. Don’t want anyone asking how long it took to drive all the way to Italy – yes I know it sounds far fetched but we have been asked these ridiculous question before, several times, by geography masterminds, sadly always Americans!

Christmas parade in Venice.
Venice is mostly on an island. It looks a lovely quaint old retirement community. Almost makes Lytham look like a Kindergarten.

Christmas parade in Venice.
There’s a Christmas parade this evening so it’s a quick dash to the supermarket, weaving our way around cordoned off streets.
Then we walk down the street to watch the Christmas light parade, all 2 hours of it. Sensible people have bought their “Deer Valley concert chairs” with them. After an hour Wendy’s whimpering about standing for so long. After 2 hours we head for home, the parades nearly finished. It’s bit like “Trick or Treat” on steroids as the kids just sit there – no exercise to burn off those sweetie calories – and the sweets are just handed to them. Best of all is the old geezer sat in front of us. Chomping away on his swag bag of sweets. He accosts everyone handing out sweets with his swag bag, a plastic carrier bag already brimming with goodies, that he thrust into their face of for his fair share of the booty. Any minute now I think he’s going to push the kid aside in a race to grab the spoils that fall on the road, fortunately he resists the temptation. A child at heart and judging by his proud stand to attention, with hat off and hand over heart when the flag passes I guess he may be a veteran and deserves them all.

Christmas parade in Venice.

American parades are just great. They love them and wherever we go we seem to bump into one. Whatever happened to parades in England? Afraid we’ll offend someone.
The best thing about this parades is that most floats and everyone is saying “Merry Christmas”. A few floats still persist with liberal lefty, PC, bed wetter phrase “Happy Holidays” – they obviously didn’t get President Trumps memo repealing Obamas “Happy Holidays” – but the vast majority have taken Trumps admonishment and returned to good old “Merry Christmas”
What Pat Condell knows about Islam: