Thanks to the scrots from our Coronado home exchange we have been let down at the last minute. But all is not lost, thanks to Chris and De-Shaun, we spend 3 nights with them up at San Marcos. Then another home exchanger has stepped into the breach with a two bedroom condo down on Mission Beach.
After 5 years of droughts Californians have come up with a great idea. I’m doing my bit.
Lazy morning in the hotel after the worst breakfast ever served in the garage of a Comfort Inn. Choice hotels really are loosing the plot. There’s always some sort of screw up with them.
After lunch we drive up to Chris’s lovely new home in San Marco. Get settled in there and meet the dog pack. Wendy wants to take the cute little poodle cross home with here.
In the evening we go out for dinner in the Mall. Good choice on the menu, I even get to have Tappas, which only in America includes pizza. Love the home made Jalepeno sauce. Cant believe the wine prices, why they even make NCL cruise prices look cheap.
The Truth About Republicans by George Carlin:
Unbelievable. Make American TV look intelligent and intellectual.
And then people ask why we escape so often. Can you credit this is the best Saturday night TV has to offer. Makes being in post Trump America and even American TV seem sane. Thank the FSM we’re out of there, and hopefully my VPN for BBC iPlayer will filter such tripe.
Monday – hot and sunny.
Bubbles on the beach.
We both slept like a black bear in hibernation. I think we’ll be trying to sneak this mattress out in our luggage when we leave.
Set off to Carlsbad for a wander around and lunch. Carlsbad village is all very up market and pleasant.
Oceanside pier.
Then drive up to Oceanside. Lovely beach resort. Typical California beach town complete with pier. Full of healthy people enjoying plenty of fresh air, exercise and the beach – no excess adipose tissue blobbies around here. Have a stroll down the pier and afternoon tea at a traditional American diner at the end of the pier, complete with typical American diner waitresses.
Pick up a Mexican takeaway for tea on the way back to Chris’s.
Tuesday – hot and sunny.
Feeding time at the zoo.
Off down to San Diego Safari park for the day – well afternoon. Walk the whole zoo and do the safari tram tour. Neat zoo, I enjoy it but Wendy’s not so impressed, apart from the Gorilla with baby in arms. Knackered by kicking out time.
Having a nap.
Take away tonight is a Quesiddila and Taco – it is Taco Tuesday after all, half price everywhere. Both were awesome. Taco had like pork kebab in it. Really must start to have Quesidillas at home.
Wednesday – hot and sunny.
Is this bird real?
Leisurely day at Chris’s as we can’t get into our home exchange until 16:00. Supermarket and bank for some cash to pay for our Park City stay in February – can’t wait – first snow has fallen today, somewhat belatedly this year.
Drive down to our new home, on Mission Beach, for the next 8 days. It’s clean and comfortable, only 50 yards from the beach. Thanks to Martha for stepping up at such short notice, saved us from Hotels or VRBO.
Bill Maher Explains the Real Reason Donald Trump is Popular (HBO)
Thursday – hot and sunny.
Torrey Pines but no picnic.
Lazy morning with the excitement of a trip to Ralph’s for Wendy and I while away an hour at Starbucks. There’s a crazy geezer sat outside. Can’t tell what sex. Every time someone comes in he begs them, louder than a constipated opera star, for coffee, not money just a coffee. Eventually it gets rewarded for all the excruitiating whining. There really should be a sign saying “don’t feed the wildlife” it only encourages them. Apparently yesterday he was lay down in the middle of a 4 lane road, outside Starbucks, whining and raving for coffee. Is this what happens to you if you drink too much Starbucks.
After lunch we set off down to Torrey Pines State park on our way to Janelle’s for dinner. Drive up the coast. Traffic is like an exodus of arthritic tortoises, nose to arse tail all the way. By the time we arrive at the state park it’s time to leave for dinner so we give it a miss.
What’s for lunch?
Drive on up through even worse Interstate traffic to Janelle’s.
California traffic is dire. I’all not rant about traffic at home after this trip. Well, not for at least a week.
Lovely dinner with Janelle and Mike, along with their friends Bob and marilyn who will also be up at PC when we are there, so good to meet them. Good company, great food and an enjoyable evening putting the World to rights. They were all keen Trump supporters. Amazing how similar the problems and views are the World over.
Friday – hot and sunny.
Roller coaster at Mission Beach. Starbucks just across the road.
2nd attempt to visit Torrey Pines State Park. This time we made it.
A pirate at the entrance robs you of $15 to enter. Nice visitors center and we do a few of the easy walks around the cliffs and woods. All very pleasant, but Wendy’s incensed that after putting down a sizeable deposit on the park, just to enter, she cannot eat her lunch on any of the walks.
What a load of perverts. Who would pollute even American nats urine posing as beer – criminal.
Then we drive down to La Jolla. Have a pleasant stroll around the beach front and then onto the cove for a starbucks and stroll around. With all the birds and seals around the sea caves it stinks worse than a knackers yard on a summers day. Of course there are warnings not to approach the seal but it’s amazing the level of illiteracy or stupidity in this country. One young blobbie, very akin to the seals in the amount of blubber she’s toting around, just can’t resist trying to get a selfie with a lazing seal.
La Jolla is very up market and you couldn’t mistake it for anywhere other than California.
Saturday – hot and sunny.
Have a stroll down Mission beach.
Chris and DeShaun come for lunch.
Stop for an Italian espresso by the beach. People watching, the healthy lythe young eye candy roller blading, volley balling, cycling, jogging or just walking. Typical California beach life.
Chris and DeShaun come over for lunch.
Then in the evening we catch up on some BBC.
As I stroll down the beach I’m offered free bottled water and hotdogs. How nice is that. Although how sad is it that I’m suspicious. Perhaps it’s my lack of haircut that makes them think I’m a vagrant or a budding paleo Bob Dylan fan, desperately trying to grow a pony tail to compensate for my bald pate, and in dire need of a good haircut.
Anyway turns out it’s a Christin group just doing the nice thing. No strings attached.