Sunday – cool and sunny
Have a drive down to Gulf Shores. Quite a pleasant drive. Lunch in the car overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. Then take a walk along the beach to the pier. It’s clear blue skies but with the off shore breeze it’s quite cool. Turns out to be a 3 mile round trip.
Then have a drive around and onto Orange Beach. Mainly just more of the same giant beachfront condos overlooking the Gulf of Mexico and the typical grot shops, miniature golf and fast food. Both pretty tired after all that exercise.
Macaroni cheese for tea. I’ve been 3 months now without Macaroni pudding. Never mind when we’re home there’ll be that and day 1 will be Welsh rarebit with bacon and baked beans.
Catch up with Homeland in the evening, not a patch on previous seasons.
Lap Topless – Day 8
Finally cracked getting pictures onto my blog. Reviewed loads of apps to scale down images but none seem to do the trick. Simple solution seems to be create email; add pictures from photo; select size option; email; open email; add to photos. From photos can upload to blog. May seem a tad,long winded but in practice only a couple of steps more than solution on laptop. I can live with that.
My Sorry Sense Of Humour
Bob forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was mad. She told him tomorrow morning I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in six seconds and it had better be there. Next morning his wife looked out the window to find a box, giftwrapped in the middle of the driveway. She opened it and found a brand-new bathroom scale. Bob has been missing since Friday.
Rant Of The Day
Meanwhile, senior Whitehall sources said the government was “reviewing” the introduction of passenger profiling at airports. Those who may fit the profile of a terrorist or act suspiciously would be subjected to extra questioning and searches.
The transport minister Lord Ahmad said profiling is “certainly something that has been reviewed.”
Religious Rant Of The Day
And for my last blog of this trip I’d like to attempt to dispel some of the myths about Islam:
Islam Means ‘Peace’
In truth, the Quran not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also commands them to subdue people of other religions until they are in a full state of submission to Islamic rule. This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its success in conquering other cultures.
Islam Respects Women as Equals
There is no ambiguity in the Quran, the life of Muhammad, or Islamic law as to the inferiority of women to men despite the efforts of modern-day apologists to salvage Western-style feminism from scraps and fragments of verses that have historically held no such progressive interpretation.
After military conquests, Muhammad would dole out captured women as war prizes to his men. In at least one case, he advocated that they be raped in front of their husbands. Captured women were made into sex slaves by the very men who killed their husbands and brothers. There are four Quranic verses in which “Allah” makes clear that a Muslim master has full sexual access to his female slaves, yet there is not one that prohibits rape.
The Quran gives Muslim men permission to beat their wives for disobedience, but nowhere does it command love in marriage (although it is said to exist). The verses plainly say that husbands are “a degree above” wives.
Muslim women do not inherit property in equal portion to males. This is somewhat ironic given that Islam owes its existence to the wealth of Muhammad’s first wife, which would not otherwise have been inherited by her given that she had two brothers and her first husband had three sons.
A woman’s testimony in court is considered to be worth only half that of a man’s, according to the Quran. Unlike a man, she must also cover her head – and often her face.
If a woman wants to prove that she was raped, then there must be four male witnesses to corroborate her account (according to strict Sharia). Otherwise she can be jailed or stoned to death for confessing to “adultery.”
Monday – cool and sunny
Feel a lazy day coming on.
Have a drive up to Daphne, but not a great deal there.
Then drive down to the Marriott Grand Hotel Faithope, and very grand it is too. Afternoon tea and coffee, complete with free refills, all for under $6. Cheaper than Starbucks and for that we get luxury surroundings on leather settees’ pleasant walk along the bay; free fishing rods for a spot of fishing; yet another demonstration cannon firing, under the auspices of the Stars and Stripes; followed by free afternoon tea, coffee and cookies. Not bad eh? And if you got the brass balls to get past gate security you don’t even have to buy anything – all free.What a pleasant afternoon.
My Sorry Sense Of Humour
Rant Of The Day
Religious Rant Of The Day
Jihad Means ‘Inner Struggle’
The Quran specifically exempts the disabled and elderly from Jihad (4:95), which would make no sense if the word is being used merely within the context of spiritual struggle. It is also unclear why Muhammad and his Quran would use graphic language, such as smiting fingers and heads from the hands and necks of unbelievers if he were speaking merely of character development.
With this in mind, Muslim apologists generally admit that there are two meanings to the word, but insist that “inner struggle” is the “greater Jihad,” whereas “holy war” is the “lesser.”
Islam is a Religion of Peace
There shouldn’t be any argument over who the “true Muslim” is because the Quran clearly distinguishes the true Muslim from the pretender in Sura 9 and elsewhere. According to this – one of the last chapters of the Quran – the true believer “strives and fights with their wealth and persons” while the hypocrites are those who “sit at home,” refusing to join the jihad against unbelievers in foreign lands.
In truth, Muhammad organized 65 military campaigns in the last ten years of his life and personally led 27 of them. The more power that he attained, the smaller the excuse needed to go to battle, until finally he began attacking tribes merely because they were not yet part of his growing empire.
There is not another religion in the world that consistently produces terrorism in the name of God as does Islam. The most dangerous Muslims are nearly always those who interpret the Quran most transparently. They are the fundamentalists or purists of the faith, and believe in Muhammad’s mandate to spread Islamic rule by the sword, putting to death those who will not submit. In the absence of true infidels, they will even turn on each other.
Tuesday – warm and sunny
Drive along the coast to Pensacola. The more scenic route.Lunch in the “historic village”. Oh, what a surprise they’ve run out of soup. Running out of …… seems to be a favourite national SNAFU.
Then do a tour of the historic village. Sadly the tour guide is about as entertaining and informative as a drunk Glaswegian.
Drive down to the naval base to visit the air museum there. Now it’s good to know that the US Navy’s on a high state of alert. They need photo Id before we’re allowed on. Out comes my 49 year old paper driving license along with a loose picture I’ve popped in with it for good measure. That’s just fine. You do wonder at times why they even get out of bed in the morning. Anyway back to the Naval Air Museum. It’s housed in two massive hangers with loads of aircraft exhibits. Well worth the entrance fee – it’s free. Unbelievable. Unusual for me to say it, but if I’d have paid $20 each I would not hve been dissappointed. Spend an enjoyable couple of hours just browsing around. You could easily spend a whole day there. Awesome. Highly recommend it.Drive back along I10 rather than the coastal road.
My Sorry Sense Of Humour
Rant Of The Day
I really do despair, what has happened to this country. Wherever you go Christmas has been replaced by holiday season.
Religious Rant Of The Day
Islam is Tolerant of Other Religions
What Muslims call “tolerance,” others correctly identify as institutionalized discrimination. The consignment of Jews and Christians to dhimmis under Islamic rule means that they are not allowed the same religious rights and freedoms as Muslims. They cannot share their faith, for example, or build houses of worship without permission. (See this link for rules imposed by the Islamic State)
Historically, dhimmis have often had to wear distinguishing clothing or cut their hair in a particular manner that indicates their position of inferiority and humiliation. They do not share the same legal rights as Muslims, and must even pay a poll tax (the jizya). They are to be killed or have their children taken from them if they cannot satisfy the tax collector’s requirements.
The conquered populations face death if they do not establish regular prayer and charity in the Islamic tradition (ie. the pillars of Islam).
Islam is Opposed to Slavery
Muhammad captured slaves, sold slaves, bought slaves as gifts of pleasure, received slaves as gifts, and used slaves for work. The Sira is exquisitely clear on the issue of slavery.
The Quran tells Muslims to emulate the example of Muhammad, who has the most “exalted character”. As such, the deeply dehumanizing horror of slavery has been a ubiquitous tradition of Islam for 14 centuries, including the modern plight of non-Muslim slaves in the Sudan, Mali, Niger, Mauritania, and other parts of the Muslim world.
Wednesday – warm and sunny
Lazy morning followed by a lovely walk along Fairhope beach, watch some guys trying to catch mullet with a net, look for alligators, a browse around town and a relaxing coffee in the French quarter. Mind you yet again they’re out of coffee. This country seems to be becoming as enterprising as a French Zeplin maker. The place is teaming with tourists ready for Thanksgiving and the cafe decides to shut at 14:30 – their loss. The countries loosing the plot, whatever happened to the entrepreneurial spirit?
My Sorry Sense Of Humour
Rant Of The Day
Religious Rant Of The Day
Islam is Incompatible with Terrorism
Try telling this to the loved ones of the thousands who have died at the hands of Islamic jihadis.
Islam does prohibit killing innocent people. Unfortunately, as infidels and people of the book, we don’t qualify.
In many places, the prophet of Islam says that Jihad is the ideal path for a Muslim, and that believers should “fight in the way of Allah.” There are dozens of open-ended passages in the Quran that exhort killing and fighting – far more than there are of peace and tolerance.Islam is not intended to co-exist as an equal with other religions. It is to be the dominant religion with Sharia as the supreme law. Islamic rule is to be extended to the ends of the earth and resistance is to be dealt with by any means necessary.
Apologists in the West often shrug off the Quran’s many verses of violence by saying that they are relevant only in a “time of war.”
To this, Islamic terrorists would agree. They are at war.
Islam is a Democracy
Sharia is not democracy and Muslims want Sharia law.
Under Islamic law, only Muslim males are entitled to full rights. The standing of a woman is often half that of a man’s – sometimes even less. Non-Muslims have no standing with a Muslim. In fact, a Muslim can never be put to death for killing an unbeliever.Islam does not facilitate democracy.
I’ll let Pat Condell have the final say on this with “it’s nothing to do with Islam”: