20230801 – We Sure Are Shitting In The Tall Cotton

A photograph that haunts me.

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Seems like there are two origins to the phrase “We sure are shitting in the tall cotton”:

1 The term “high cotton” or “tall cotton”originates from the rural farming community in the antebellum (pre-Civil War) South when “high cotton” meant that the crops were good and the prices, were, too. The term has generalized to mean one is doing well or is successful.

2 According to some theories, slaves who were in the field all day picking cotton would relieve themselves among the tallest plants, and use the biggest, fluffiest bolls they could find to wipe themselves afterward; also sometimes referred to as “shittin’ in high cotton and wipin’ on the top leaf.”



Tuesday – lead the Mid-Mountain hike in the morning. Drizzle most of the time, not so warm, but 9 of us are crazy enough.

Wednesday – raining most of the day then baseball again. 224 and I80 are a bumper to bumper nightmare. Good junk food try the brisket sandwich – recommend it.




Thursday – easy coffee shop ride with Mike on his new electric bike, it’s awesome and only $1,400. He loves it. Then in the evening S&B, Mike and Betti come round for dinner. It’s been that long since Wendy had to cook I think she may have forgot.


My doctor asked if anyone in my family suffered from mental illness and I said, “No, we all seem to enjoy it.”
Just once, I want a username and password prompt to say, “Close enough.”
I’m a multitasker. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time!
Retirement to do list: Wake up. – I Nailed it!
People who wonder if the glass is half empty or half full miss the point. The glass is refillable.


Friday – bowling in the morning then take Wendy to get her injection in the back at long last – NHS have been jerking her around for 3 years. Here we go to see a pain management specialist, cross his palm with silver and he offers next day injection.

Then in the evening Mike and I finally get to try the Reuben from Stacked in Prospector. As per Howard, it’s awesome, really thick Pastrami.

Wendy’s got to relax after the injection so she dips out on the free tickets to the Kimble Arts Festival. What a joke, punters have to pay good money ($12 to $299 – free to locals) to go and view / buy so called art. There is some impressive stuff there, especially the pottery, but the prices just turn it into an absurd joke. Only one piece I really liked. Had a discussion with the potter about his superb, bright coloured crawl glaze. Apparently he makes his own and fires in at earthenware temperatures to get the bright colours.

Glad I’ve been, got my cultural overdose for the year, but never again.

Saturday – wow an evening in. I’m sure Wendy’s forgot how to cook with all the wining and dining.




Sunday – Mark, Joe and I do my version of The Road To WOS hike, it cuts out that long steep ascent and descent, reduces it down to a very pleasant 3 mile hike, well shaded.

Monday – well I moved my Easy Bike Ride to Wednesday so I could go on the Brighton flower walk, but then I discovered it started at 0800, too ungodly an hour, so I give it a miss. Have a ride down to Kimble Junction and back with Mike.

In the evening a gang of us drive down to a Korean BBQ, recommended by Sarah. I80 was a nightmare as a lorry had burnt out, 3 lanes down to 2, bumper to bumper all the way down to I215.

BBQ is as much as you can eat and cook at the table. Everyone had a good time, a unique experience. Fortunately we were sat next to Sarah, an expert in Korean BBQ cooking.

Lying Liars


Tuesday – light rain just as I’m leading a hike up Dubois and down Colin’s. Weather turns out perfect, no rain and not too hot.

Then sat on the balcony enjoying some superb coffee and watching the birds, especially the awesome aerial combat of the humming birds. They sure are aggressive to one another. Then the deer stroll by. How lucky can we be. Sadly no sign of the mountain lion or black bear spotted around here recently.

In the evening we’re off down to Marianne’s for dinner with most of Mikes family. A lovely evening dining out on the deck, great food and great company in a lovely setting. Marriann’s house is awesome and Glenwild is such a great setting, right on the golf course.


Sometimes it takes me all day to get nothing done.
I don’t trip, I do random gravity checks. One minute you’re young and fun. Next, you’re turning down the car stereo to see better.
I’d grow my own food if only I could find bacon seeds.
Some people you’re glad to see coming; some people you’re glad to see going.
Common sense is not a gift. It’s a punishment because you have to deal with everyone who doesn’t have it.


Thursday – in the evening we take Ruth and Mark out to dinner at the Red Rock brewery as a thank you for winter bike storage. Food was pretty good but service and sticky tables left a lot to be desired.



So much for climate models. Bloody hell they can’t even forecast tomorrow never mind January 5th 2099.


Saturday – clay pigeon shooting. Can you believe I get two rounds of 20 out of 25. Dave’s advice of pointing with the finger is starting to pay off. It also seems to slow me down, rather than rushing it.

In the evening Wendy and I go down to Kimble Junction for the free “Rat Pack” concert with Sylvia. Not only is it free but you can take food and booze.

Sunday – hike with Mark and Joe.

In the evening we have Mike, Sylvia and D&J round for dinner.

Monday – as usual lead the easy bike ride.

Tuesday – lead an easy hike.

In the evening we go to Szechuan with Mike, Sylvia and D&J. Great company food was pretty good, spoilt only by cold plates.

Wednesday – have an easy bike ride – off the PCMSC books – down to Kimble Junction for coffee.

Then in the afternoon Wendy and I drive down to the Tracey Aviary. Last time we went we really enjoyed it, complete with great bird show. They’ve really let the place go to ruin. Mainly only saw colour pictures of birds, no actual birds and no bird show. Won’t be going there again at $13 it was a rip off.




Thursday – kayaking in the morning – gives me two days of back ache.

In the evening we drive through some of the worst rain I’ve ever seen in PC, roads were flooded, down to the Bee’s game. Fortunately weather at the game was great, no rain.

Friday – the usual bowling and TGIF (one of the better ones) good food and company.

As we left home this morning a Moose and her calf were wandering along in front of us.

Saturday – usual clay pigeon shooting.

In the evening we go down to the Country and Western concert at Kimble junction, despite the dire forecast. After 50 minutes it starts to rain so we abandon play. A pity.

Sunday – a hike with Mark and Joe. abandon our original plans for the Mormon trail and stick to tarmac given the awful overnight rain which will have turned a lot of the trails into a quagmire.

In the afternoon it’s a shopping expedition to Walmart and Smiths – joy.




Tuesday – go to O’Shucks, as recommended. No room to sit; band is indoors as it’s raining, way too loud, I’ll be deaf for a month; tables are sticky – yuck; even the bannister is sticky. Plan B dinner at home, burger and beans.




Thursday – Howard and Nancy come round for dinner. Wendy panics at 1600 when she suddenly realises Howard is Jewish and is worried he doesn’t eat pork. Dashes off to supermarket for chicken. Great evening putting the World to rights and bemoaning the kakistocracy we all live in.

Friday – pass on the TGIF as it’s outdoors in someone’s garden. Night in trying to help empty the freezer.

Take the US citizenship test result:

You got 10 out of 10 questions correct.

Congratulations, you passed the U.S. citizenship test!
You’ve proven yourself to be a great student of American history and civics.

Did you know that only 30% of U.S. adults and just 3% of public high school students in America can pass the U.S. citizenship exam? 😱

Sadly Wendy didn’t pass.

Why I love America from Dennis Prager


PragerU’s age-appropriate and educational materials are only problematic to those who want to teach Critical Race Theory, gender fluidity, that math and objective truth are racist, and that America is a terrible place.

Sunday – Mark, Joe and I at last do the Mormon trail from Mormon Flats. For the first 100 yards we need a machete to get through, but very pleasant thereafter. No relics from the past and very few on the trail.

Monday – I lead an easy bike ride. In the evening Mike takes us and D&J out to dinner at the Full House, great food, great choice on the menu and as always great company.




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Pastrami (Romania: pastramă) is a food originating from Romania usually made from beef brisket. Later recipes use lamb, pork, chicken or turkey. The raw meat is brined, partially dried, seasoned with herbs and spices, then smoked and steamed. Like corned beef, pastrami was originally created as a way to preserve meat before the invention of refrigeration. One of the iconic meats of Eastern European cuisine as well as American Jewish cuisine and New York City cuisine, hot pastrami is typically served at delicatessen restaurants on sandwiches such as the pastrami on rye.

Corned beef, or salt beef in some Commonwealth countries, is salt-cured brisket of beef. The term comes from the treatment of the meat with large-grained rock salt, also called “corns” of salt. Sometimes, sugar and spices are added to corned beef recipes. Corned beef is featured as an ingredient in many cuisines.

Most recipes include nitrates, which convert the natural myoglobin in beef to nitrosomyoglobin, giving it a pink color. Nitrates and nitrites reduce the risk of dangerous botulism during curing by inhibiting the growth of Clostridium botulinum bacteria spores, but have been linked to increased cancer risk in mice. Beef cured without nitrates or nitrites has a gray color, and is sometimes called “New England corned beef”.

Tinned corned beef, alongside salt pork and hardtack, was a standard ration for many militaries and navies from the 17th through the early 20th centuries, including World War I and World War II, during which fresh meat was rationed. Corned beef remains popular worldwide as an ingredient in a variety of regional dishes and as a common part in modern field rations of various armed forces around the world.


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