Lazy start then, after lunch, we drive down to Willow Creek, park up and take a walk down the snow track to Kimble junction. Time for a Starbucks.

Stroll to Willow Creek.
Then home for a jacuzzi and alcoholic ginger beer, then tea. Italian sausage and American baked beans, awesome.
A quiet night in Bourbon sampling and snoozing over Netflix.
After the treachery last week we need to be mindful of how lucky we are being 4,500 miles away from BREXIT and our loony politicians. Here we are in a snow filled paradise. A hard 3.5 mile walk in the snow, with glorious sunshine and blue skies is enough to brighten our day and help us forget the treachery.

Still recovering from last weeks screwing over by our treacherous loons in the big chattering house. There’s going to be such a reckoning at the next general election. We’ll get retribution, it will be merciless and we’ll take great pleasure.
Meanwhile a sacrifice of a chlorine washed chicken and prayers to the FSM are being offered up for the EU to reject any extension so we escape the Evil Union on a NO DEAL. Especially important when you read the Spectators top 40 horrors lurking in the small print of Theresa May’s Brexit deal – Absolutely terrifying.
Meanwhile normal sick humour and religious commentary will be resumed.
Up early as Angela’s being dropped off by Hal.

Clearing snow to get at chairs for the front deck.
I go off to the gym whilst Wendy and Angela troop off to TJ Max and the Supermarket. Even at 10 years old little girls already have a highly developed addiction to shopping. I pop down to the Pickleball courts for a spot of practice against the wall, before my gym torture session. Get dragged into playing.
Drop Angela off to her dad at PCMR base. Then it’s off to a St Patrick’s day apres ski party with H&G, held as usual by the PCMSC.
Back home in time for a quiet evening in and finish of a tasty Carmanere.

I can’t quite decide whether this should just be a rant or a religious comment, but since it’s focus is on the religion of pieces and permanent offence I’ve slotted it in here.
Courageous women in the Islamic Republic of Iran are taking off their hijabs as a sign of resistance to the oppressive Sharia regime under which they live, and at least 29 women have been arrested for doing so. Some of them have gotten long prison terms. A lawyer who defends women who don’t wear the hijab was sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes.
So what does the UN do about it?

They appoint Iran to U.N. Women’s Rights Committee. Iran, one of the top human rights abusers in the world, has been awarded a seat on a key United Nations committee that oversees complaints about the global abuse of women.
An announcement by the U.N. on Wednesday said that Iran and Nigeria, another country that is no stranger to human rights abuses, would be promoted to the international organization’s Committee on the Status of Women, which oversees abuses committed by oppressive states, such as Iran and Nigeria.
Not the first time the UN has put the fox among the chickens. Back in 2015 there was anger after Saudi Arabia was chosen to head key UN human rights panel. Yes, Saudi Arabia, another country somewhat renowned for it’s human rights abuse and suppression of women.
Trump is right about not funding the UN. Sadly they’re toothless when it comes to suppressing violence and wars, which if you think about it is great pity. But this is just another example of their PC, snowflake approach.

Jacuzzi after 2 hours of Pickleball.
Then it is a quiet alcohol free evening in watching Netflix and that damn Madelyn McCann saga. If they are not guilty then they are certainly guilty of negligence.
Is Islam a religion pf peace?

Coffee round the fire pit at the Canyons.
Then I treat myself to a Jacuzzi before getting ready for our dinner guests. Sylvia and David come round for dinner and drinks, we haven’t seen David since last summer. A very pleasant evening all round.

Says it all.

Iconic house.
B&M pick us up at tea time and we head off to try the Brass Tack up at Deer Valley Lodges. Good start from the Greeter – that’s the person that US restaurants are obsessed with, she greets you and allocates your table. Funny how a lot of Uk restaurants manage to function perfectly well without this role. Anyway as we have not booked she’ll manage to squeeze us in – not surprising as it only about 30% occupied – but in future please pre-book. A totally uncalled for and rude greeting, I’m ready to go into CUSTOMER mode, and either walk our or rip her head off. Totally arrogant and uncalled for. Food and wine was a tad pricey, but there again it was Deer Valley – often misspelt.
Anyway meal was pretty good apart for Wendy’s bland and greasy pasta, but to be fair to them the manger took it off the bill and was most thankful for us bringing it to their attention – top marks for the way he handled it and took the trouble to thank us for complaining.
B&M pop in for a nightcap, to try my Basil Haydn Dark Rye.
Watch the Gunpowder Plot, when the last honest man went into parliament, along with 50 barrels of gunpowder to blow the place up. They had that tasty eye candy from “Silent Witness” in it and munch to my surprise she flaunted her nipples. Mind you she was very young and I’m sure there’s no way she’d be exposing all these days.
There’s a morass of adverts for super pillows that promise the holygrail of a good nights sleep, and can probably even make a cup of horlicks and tickle your balls. Yet no one produces one to prevent sore ears. Think I’ll register a patent application for a pillow with a groove for your ears to rest in and one with a hole on each side for your ear.

Yet another reason why we need to get out from under the tyranny of the European Union:
European judges rule that UK airport cops breached rights of al-Qaeda chief’s wife, taxpayers must pay her $28,000
How did they breach her rights? By stopping her for questioning. In that case, my rights have been breached in several airports, but no one is giving me a big payout.
The wife of an Al Qaeda chief had her human rights breached by UK airport police, European judges have ruled.
Sylvie Beghal, 49, was stopped at East Midlands Airport while returning to Leicester after a visit to her husband Djamel Beghal in a French jail.
The mother of three said she was detained without reasonable suspicion – violating her right to private and family life.
Why do we even allow her back in the country?

Wendy has lucnch around the fire pit.
Evening in watching more Netflix as BBC was being temperamental – software written by 12 year olds with Acne and who need their Mummy to tie their shoelaces. It’s just another National disgrace. Have to wait until tomorrow to see Question Times reactions to this weeks fiasco.
Wife beating in Islam – The Rules:
Why is it that the quiz master feels he needs to explain, at great length, that people should not shout out the answers to the quiz, just write them down. Yet, still we get numpties shouting out the answer for the benefit of everyone.

On one of our many strolls.
Then it’s a Starbucks coffee for lunch followed by Pickleball. In two weeks all 3 of my Pickleballs have split in half – cheap. Get two hours in. Just love this sport, will have to go to Burnley when I get home and see if I can play there.
Pop into the liquor store on the way home to pick Wendy up. They’ve suddenly added 3 very tempting brandies, but I manage to resist for now. Buy some Sushi for dinner.
The Schmitt’s come round for dinner. Hal takes me for a spin in his Volta electric car. It really is a pleasure to drive and so sprightly. Driving in LOW mode must be the ultimate for Americans all you need to use is the accelerator and the steering wheel. When you take your foot off the accelerator it slows down, puts the brake lights on and comes to a graceful halt. Fortunately you can still use the brake. Sounds ungodly and quirky but after 5 minutes driving I’ve got used to it and really love it.
Have a lovely evening with them as always. Angelas getting really grown up these days.
Finally get to watch Question Time but it’s a tad disappointing. Meanwhile the chaos over BREXIT continues. Time to feed a few politicians and BBC iPlayer software developers to the Lions in a Saturday afternoon amphitheatre spectacular reminiscent of Roman days.
New research suggests Carbon monoxide detectors could reveal existence of aliens. Time to send a spaceship load to alien planets to detect life.

Yes, we still have snow.
Tootle off down to the gym for an hours workout. Then after lunch we take a walk up to PCMR base to buy some Campos coffee beans to take home. Have a Superior Americana, it is so sweet you don’t need sugar – awesome roast.
In the evening we’ve free tickets to go to the library cinema to see Beale Street. Starts off good but slows down to an arthritic snails pace, with sound mumbled through damp underwear and background noise to drown out any syllables that manage to escape. But it was free and a night out. It’s a great little theatre / cinema and quite quaint how they always have a raffle at the beginning. Saturday night small town America at it’s best, it reeked of popcorn and everyone even brings their own containers to help save the planet. No one cheered, booed or clapped. No National anthem – sad. And worst of all no wine for sale. Next time we go we need to smuggle in our own alcohol as most of the regulars do.

Good progress on the diet. Lost 9 pounds since I’ve been here and still enjoying wine and whiskey.
Yet more reasons to escape the EU:
European Court of Human Rights: Insulting Muhammad not “free speech”
This is clearly the case of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, who was fined and given a jail sentence for calling Muhammad a pedophile. He married a six-year-old and consummated the marriage when she was nine, but “the Austrian courts had held that ES was making value judgments partly based on untrue facts and without regard to the historical context.”
The problem that the Austrian courts overlooked here was that Muhammad is held up in Islam as the perfect example of conduct for Muslims (cf. Qur’an 33:21). Accordingly, his example does lead to pedophilia, and in any case the distinction between pedophilia and child marriage can be very fine. In Afghanistan virtually all girls above third-grade age are married, and because of Muhammad, but the Austrian court would have us believe either that there is no pedophilia in these child marriages, or that they have nothing to do with Muhammad, both of which could be proven false readily.
And as for “untrue facts,” the hadith collection that Muslims consider most reliable, Sahih Bukhari, affirms more than once that Aisha was nine at the time of the consummation of the marriage.
Finally, would the European Court of Human Rights rule that someone deserved a fine and imprisonment for criticizing Jesus? The case wouldn’t even come to them.
This is an important step toward the imposition of Sharia in Europe, as it is a tacit acceptance of Sharia blasphemy restrictions on criticizing Muhammad.