Oh dear.
As always there’s the usual gobby geezer. This ones whining about how British beers served warm and tastes like shit. I resist the temptation to comment how any American can have the brass nerve to criticise proper beer, when they drink that insipid pale yellow pickle water. They he volunteers a rant on how the British Empire tyrannised their colonies. Obviously detests the British.
Afternoon more consultancy work.
Then Carol and Angela pop round to say hello.
Kayaking. Work. Then archery – 6 instructors / volunteers for only 2 candidates. Oh well at least I get more of a chance to shoot.
Dinner at Bob and Marilyn’s. Get to try a dirty Vodka martini (vodka martini with olive juice), yuk but starters are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, awesome – if that doesn’t qualify me for a green card nothing will. Pass on the Martini.
Bowling again and Wendy’s at the Christian Centre. Help out set up table in the afternoon ready for Dogs and Suds. By god they’re heavy to move.
Then in the evening it’s Dogs and Suds with PCMSC. Fortunately you don’t need a dog to go. Another example of Americans perverting the language, in more formal English it’s “Hot dogs and beer”. Best baked beans I’ve ever had – properly cooked – along with some Dark and Stormy’s, a juicy Merlot and a Yipee Kayee nightcap. Rat arsed.
Perfect end to another perfect day.

This is the weather we have to put up with.
In the afternoon we toddlle off down to the library on the bus with Bob and Marilyn to see what the Latino Arts Fest has to offer. A tad disappointing but it’s the first time they’ve tried it so perhaps it’ll get better if it survives. Food was not all that good so we tootle off to Alberto’s for some Mexican fast food – at last I get a burrito, pretty good.

PCMSC Leisure hike
In the evening we’re all off to Stein Erickson for dinner to celebrate Bob and Marilyn’s wedding anniversary. Great menu but most were not impressed, certainly not 5 Star. I loved my rabbit starter and Veal T Bone – easily pleased – and with two for one vouchers it didn’t seem too expensive. Then it was back to ours to celebrate with some Almond champagne.
For the first time ever used Valet Parking – how bloody idle can you get – but really not much choice as it’s all lazy bones parking. As usual you end up hanging around waiting for the car to be bought to you but have to say I was really impressed – not easy done these days – but the guy had pumped up a tyre that was showing low pressure. How neat is that. Even tipped him.

The famous old barn.
Wendy toddles off to the Christian Centre to leave me in peace to do some work. Thank god I’ve finished the recommendations and contract. It’s taken up all my spare time since we’ve been here, at least now I can get my life back and concentrate on fun.
Photography club at the library in the evening, all about still photography from drones. Quite interesting, but not really my cup of tea.

Wendy at Bloods Lake.
In the afternoon it’s more excitement as we do Costco with Bob and Marilyn.
Watch the Americans despite Amazons Prime’s best efforts to deter me. End up signing up for yet another months free trial. That seems to fix the problem.

Bloods Lake.
Pop down to the gym to see what Pickell Ball is all about. Looks fairly leisurely, will have to give it a try.
Afternoon I go shooting with Joe. Hire a 38 with some high energy Bullets. Has the kick of a drunken mule and the noise of thunder clap.

A hike somewhere.
Kayaking with PCMSC in the morning. At last I get to explore the other end of the reservoir. Everyone else sets off down the usual end.
Catch up on some work over dinner.
Then it’s NAC archery in the afternoon.
Lecture on Alcohol and Park City at 16:00 with B & M, then they come round for dinner and a few drinks.
Easy 6 mile bike ride down to tenpin bowling. Coffee at Starbucks, then tough 6 mile ride back, but I made it.
Wendy’s at the CC in the afternoon.
Then it’s a bit more culture as we go to the library for a talk on the Mormon pioneers who arrived in Salt Lake in 1847. Lecture droned on a bit and I was amazed at how much of it we already knew from books and films.
More of The Americans in the evening.

Inside the Pollin barn.
Then in the evening we’re all off to a barn dance as they open up the Pollin Barn to the public, complete with a barbecue, music and dancing for those so inclined. Needless to say the weather is awesome as it has been since we got her.

Leisure hike.
Afternoon I catch up on some work.
No exercise today, getting withdrawal symptoms.
We’re both off out for the 09:00 Leisure hike up “La Dee Dah” with PCMSC. Quite a pleasant out and back hike and the weather’s awesome.
Can’t believe it but I think we’re both starting to miss the rain. Since we’ve been here I think we’ve only had about an hours rain.

Bowling Evening.
In the evening we’re off on a bowling evening with friends and PCMSC invited. Have a great evening, not too much exertion and judging by our scores most didn’t take it too seriously. Then we’re all off to the Full House for dinner, oriental food but all a tad too greasy for my liking.

I lead a leisure hike. Hal comes. Silver lake to Deer Valley cafe.
Wendy and Marilyn do what they do best, shop.