Friday – cool and sunny
Another blue bird (defined as clear blue sky, sun, great snow and cold enough to protect the snow) day here in paradise. Carol picks me up for a mornings skiing and a pleasant coffee break at the Miners Camp.

New trail map for Park City. Now the largest ski area in North America.
Today’s useless piece of information. According to an in depth study by a dog psychiatrist the breed intelligence is as follows:
Border Collie comes in 1st.
Cocker Spaniels 20th.
Afghan comes in last at 79th.
Well good old Cockers may not come out tops but they have so much character and are a soft as a fresh cowpat, especially with kids, so they’re still my favourite breed.

Saturday – cool and sunny

Early start for best snow, best skiing and quiet slopes.
Never mind still a great morning’s skiing. Get home totally cream crackered. All that strength training paid off. Now I’m here I can get to work aerobic training and endurance.
After lunch we catch the free bus into town for a trip to Rite Aide to see if we can get Wendy any stronger pain killers. Nothing stronger than paracetamol.
Then it’s round to Sports Authority to get pair of ski pants. Some enthusiastic nurse with a pair of scissors just couldn’t wait to cut my ski pants off me last February. Sadly she didn’t want to have her evil way with me at the time.
Don’t you just love this word:
Gong farmer (also gongfermor, gongfermour, gong-fayer, gong-fower or gongscourer) was a term that entered use in Tudor England to describe someone who dug out and removed human excrement from privies and cesspits; the word “gong” was used for both a privy and its contents.
What a cracking job.

Sunday – cool and sunny

My all time favourite shot of paradise.
Meet Wendy at legacy lodge for her lunch and then back home ready for Super Bowl party round at Hal’s.
Use a very logical basis for selecting team to support. Go for Carolina Panthers as Kurt has their baseball cap. They’re the underdogs and they loose. Not as exciting a game as last year. But at least we understood the adverts. Only took 5 hours.
Great food and great company. Hal’s spicy nachos were amazing. Best nachos ever and I doubt anything will top them.
Half time we’re entertained by Beyoncé. Thighs on her like a Russian shot putter. They’d put the fear of God in any red blooded alpha male. With thighs and an arse on her like that she’d have made an ideal member of the black panthers. No one would tangle with her.
Well we set a new record for staying up until 22:30 – Noddy was well past Big Ears.

Shadsworth surgery to a tee.

Eurocrats led by debt-stricken Italy want to create a reserve to provide cash to those whose countries are on the brink of collapse.

Let’s get out before it sinks.
The scheme has been hatched by the finance chief of a country whose unemployment rate has rocketed to 12.4 per cent – more than double that of the UK.
Pier Carlo Padoan wants to create a centralised run fund to rescue those left out of work by the eurozone fiasco.
The pan-European jobless project was branded a bailout package that could see Britain contribute a percentage of its wealth, a liability potentially running into millions of pounds.

I so wish I could rant like this guy.