Tuesday – hot and sunny.
I’m up and out to Round Valley for a mountain bike ride. A bit like a skiing holiday this.
First mountain bike ride without the need for a 2 gallon jar of Swarfega. Gears fixed, whatever happened to proper gears like Sturney Archer – probably they worked and too simple.
70F at 09:00 and the suns beaming down. I feel like a member of the foreign legion in the Sahara. Sadly there’s no lifts or coffee shops. My lungs are ready to burst, the sweats dripping down and my hearts about to do a great impression of an islamic martyr as he starts his journey in search of paradise. And these are only the green and blue trails. Then my exhaustion is pales into insignificance as a mountain bluebird crosses my path and poses on a branch, saying look at me. Look at my gorgeous blue colours. Then I spy a yellow headed blackbird.
Skiing is so much easier.
What an awesome start to the day.
After lunch we both take a bike ride down the farm trails to Kimble Junction. More awesome views from this bike path. And just look at the design simplicity and style of that fence.
Coffee at Starbucks. Of course we visit to a few shops. Wendy doesn’t fancy the ride all the way back up hill, so we catch the bus. I do the gallant thing and accompany her. Yes, you can take your bikes on the FREE bus. They have proper bike racks at the front and even let you take them inside.
Wednesday – hot and sunny.
Today both of us aim to do a hike up Jenni’s trail. That way we can tell guests what it’s like. It’s about 90 minutes to the top of the zip lines, where we stop for lunch. Well an energy bar for Wendy and some water for me. Wot no Starbucks. Then it’s about a further 90 minutes to the top of Payday lift. Mind you we did get a tad lost.
Half way up we come across a giant mound of snow blocking the trail. Who said there’s no snow up here? Just need to pop back home and get them skis. Sadly it’s like a dirty arthritic slush puppy rather than the normal champagne powder.
Well done Wendy, you made it without too many whinges.
Catch the Payday lift back down. 30 minutes, thank the FSM it doesn’t go these speeds in winter, we’d only get two runs a day in.
Hal and Randy come round in the evening for dinner. A great evening putting the World to rights.
Thursday – hot and sunny, with a short sharp shower in the afternoon.
Wendy’s volunteering at the hospital.
I do my MTB loop around Round Valley. Getting slightly faster but still have to walk up a bit of Cammis. Mind as a 12 year old sage, who was also walking up, wisely pointed out “there’s no shame in walking up hill”.
Another great 12 mile MTB ride. Now for coffee / lunch with Wendy in the hospital restaurant.
Take the Facebook English GCSE test. Amazed to get a B grade with 10/15. Not bad for someone who scraped though with just a pass in GCE (yes the proper exam) English. But, I still wish, I knew, where the, commas go.
Yes, that’s right, we’re eating hospital food. It’s delicious, unlike the tortured veg, mash and jelly slopped out at home.
Friday – hot and sunny, again.
Up and out on the bus to Silver Lake to hike (so much more manly than walk) the Mid Mountain trail to Park City.
Halfway along we stop off at the Montage. Sit on their deck having a coffee and iced tea (mind you we need 2nd mortgage to pay for it – great way to fritter away our kids inheritance), whilst being serenaded with live music – Bob Dylan style again.
Then it’s back to the hike. Mid Mountains a great trail. I could just about do this on my MTB, although there are some scary drop offs, so will wait until fitness and technique are improved in Round Vally.
As Mid Mountains name implies, it more or less follows the contours half way up the mountain. Some awesome views, in and out the Aspens, and not too strenuous. Wendy makes the 9 miles with ease. Mind you there’s another 15 mile more of this trail down to the Canyons. Save that for another day.
Catch the Town lift down into Park City and then walk down to the supermarket for some supplies. As we’re car less – yes, very un American, I know – we have to do incremental shopping each time we pass the supermarket.
Saturday – cold and sunny.
Up early to catch the bus to PCMR. It Mountain Host volunteering day yet again. It’s quite cold (maximum 50F) so were in our jackets today and as luck would ave it we’re dished out some long trousers to go with our uniform. Most welcome a day in shorts would have been freezing.
I get to test out the zip line again.That cold, my contact lenses nearly float away in the torrent of tears from the cold wind at 50 MPH. Certainly not a recommended ride for a cold day.
Quite enjoy it and our testing of rides on Monday, along with the hikes came in really handy when talking to guest and answering their questions.
Then in the evening it’s pleasant evening in with a Smoking Loon bottle of Merlot. Sadly my will power is not what it should be and had to finish the bottle. I blame it on World Cup Football blighting our TV screens and programming like a plague of locusts.